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An Amusing Situation of which I Was Reminded by a Recent Facebook Exchange
Last summer, my sister came home from the mall with a bunch of clearance items. She was feeling a little dubious about some of her purchases, one of which was an embellished T-shirt with some insets made from really crappy nylon lace and floral appliqués that looked like they had been cut from thrift-store sheets. It was just a hideous mishmash of bad or, at best, poorly executed ideas. As my sister held this garment up for my opinion, I pretended to consider it seriously for a several moments and then I said, “You know what would make this totally work?”
My sister gave me a penetrating look and said, “If I cut up the hem to make fringe?” Which was totally what I was going to say, so I cracked up and she gave me the finger.
July 22, 2011 | Permalink